IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT WEB ADVENTURES GAMES: As of January 12th, 2021, the Flash plugin no longer works in browsers.
Not to worry. Our team has created a Flash Game Archive. There you will find instructions on how to download the standalone Flash Player,
along with links to download all games within the Web Adventures catalog and play them offline.
( Uncommon Scents: [ All | Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 ] )

In Uncommon Scents, students investigate a chemical accident and learn about the health effects of exposure to toxic chemicals. They will discover that many common household products contain toxic chemicals, learn how inhaling these product can severely damage the nervous system and other parts of the body, and find ways to protect themselves from exposure to toxic vapors.

This game consists of three consecutive episodes with a continuous storyline. We recommend playing the episodes in order; however, they can be accessed individually by clicking the links below.

Disease Defenders
Episode 1
Disease Defenders
Episode 2
Disease Defenders
Episode 3
Ep 1 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 1 Materials Ep 3 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 2 Materials

Ep 3 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 3 Materials