IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT WEB ADVENTURES GAMES: As of January 12th, 2021, the Flash plugin no longer works in browsers.
Not to worry. Our team has created a Flash Game Archive. There you will find instructions on how to download the standalone Flash Player,
along with links to download all games within the Web Adventures catalog and play them offline.
( Uncommon Scents: [ Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 ] )

The National Science Education Standards (NSES) External Link were produced by the National Research Council External Link in 1995 and published in 1996. The Standards were the result of four years of work by twenty-two scientific and science education societies and over 18,000 individual contributors.

National Science Education Content Standards Correlation Grades: 5-8
Instructional Objectives
Science Content Standard

Link the occurrence of symptoms after an industrial accident to a specific toxin (organic solvent) using epidemiological methods.

Standard A: Students should develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry.

Recognize that there are workplace safety measures to limit people’s exposure to toxic vapors.

Standard F: Students should develop understanding of personal health.

Know that exposure to organic solvents can cause illness and death.

Standard F: Students should develop understanding of personal health.